Bring us the Flame

A Tribute to The Báb
In honour of the Bicentenary of His Birth

Poem by Paul Toloui-Wallace
Music arranged by Shadi Toloui-Wallace & Jason Bienia

Click here to download the song for free.

Bring us the Flame – Background story

In its 2018 correspondence to Baha’i’s around the world, the Universal House of Justice reminded Baha'is to think of ways to honour the Báb on the Bicentenary of His birth. One of those ways suggested was to use the arts. My father, Paul is a poet and this is the story of how he was inspired to write this tribute to the Báb, which we have titled Bring us the Flame.

When The House of Justice’s message was released, Paul was tutoring Ruhi Book 9 where participants were asked to consider the intangible, abstract virtues of God as a way of appreciating the unknowable essence we call God, our Creator. There is a paradox in the Baha'i Faith where Bahá'u'lláh asks us to strive to know God, but then tells us God is Unknowable. In Ruhi Book 9, we discover that its the importance of journey to know God, not the destination.  

In late 2017, Paul attended Baha’i pilgrimage just after the Bicentenary of Bahá'u'lláh. An important component of all Baha’i pilgrimages is to meet The Universal House of Justice, where individual members of the House of Justice share their personal thoughts with the pilgrims. In one of their talks, the Pilgrims were reminded that part of the duties of a Pilgrim is to return home with news from the Baha’i World Centre and share their photos, memories and experiences of the Holy Places. 

During his pilgrimage, Paul reflected on the many Baha’i’s who will never be in a position to attend Pilgrimage. Among his fellow pilgrims were Baha’i’s from countries like Azerbaijan and Myanmar. They had saved for years for their Pilgrimage, a trip of a lifetime. This was Paul’s fourth pilgrimage, and after meeting his fellow Pilgrims he felt humbled and privileged and motivated to share his experiences. 

Today we have the technology available to learn, explore and discover Bahá'u'lláh. Paul has thought deeply about the Bábi’s during the 1840’s and how thousands of The Báb’s followers discovered and imagined Him. The absence of the today's technology and resources compounds the mystery about the early Bábi’s journeys of spiritual discovery to become His ardent followers. The spiritual forces released by the Báb’s declaration enlivened the fertile spirits who were expecting The Promised One. The only possible way for those devout souls awaiting to discover The Báb was by word of mouth, from Bábi pilgrim’s stories and letters, and also mystical visions and dreams. 

After wrestling with how to merge these thoughts into a meaningful poem, the idea evolved in Paul’s mind of the story of humble villagers who are devoted Bábi’s, who possess spiritual insight, and are too poor to travel. These devoted souls yearn for guidance and spiritual sustenance from The Báb. By chance, they discover a Bábi who is a pilgrim traveling to visit The Báb while He is banished in the fortress of Máh-Kú. Not wishing to burden the pilgrim they request these intangible items to be brought to them, that they feel will guide their ways and sustain them spiritually. 

Paul says the poem reflects his and other Baha'is feelings today, as we progress on our own personal spiritual journeys to deepen our relationships with The Báb, Bahá'u'lláh and `Abdu'l-Bahá

Bring us the Flame Lyrics & Chords

V: Em G Am C             Ft 2

C: D C      | B: D F C Em

if you are a pilgrim
to the Báb in Máh-Kú?
we’ve got a request
we must ask of you

we need precious things
you can’t see or touch
they’re easy to gather
and will move hearts so much

bring us the flame in His eyes
from the fire in His heart. 

bring us the imprint
of His feet in the sand
so everyone knows just
how we should stand

bring us the mirror
that reveals his gaze
we want His reflection
to guide our ways

we need the flame in His eyes
from the fire in His heart.

bring us the holes
from His threadbare clothes
to clothe our own souls
from our head to our toes

bring us the sound
of His melodious voice
that endless echo,
our devoted choice


there’s just one thing
that we ask of you now
please wipe and keep
the sweat from His brow.

give us the flame x 6

give us the flame in His eyes
from the fire in His heart.

if you are a pilgrim
to the Báb in Máh-Kú
we’ve got a request
we ask you to do

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